Quality: Hand-made with jewelry, never fade.
Payment: We can accept Credit Card, Western union. Replica bags VISA payment 100% safe.
We can ship the package to you by EMS. EMS usually take 7 to 10 business days for shipping. We can also ship the items to you by DHL. The DHL usually take 5 to 7 business days.
Payment: We can accept Credit Card, Western union. Replica bags VISA payment 100% safe.
We can ship the package to you by EMS. EMS usually take 7 to 10 business days for shipping. We can also ship the items to you by DHL. The DHL usually take 5 to 7 business days.
Write a Customer Review
- QHow Long Does It Take For Delivery ?
- AIt usually takes 7 to 12 business days for shipping by EMS. It usually takes 4 to 7 days for shipping by DHL.
- QWhat Qaulity are your bags ?
- AWe supply 7 star Mirror Image Designer Handbags of Real Leather with Dust Cover / Tags and Accessory / Serial Number. Just like Original ones.
- QCan I get order confirmation or tracking number if I order something online ?
- AOrder confirmation will be send out after we get your order payment within 1 day , and also after we ship out your order ,we will email you the tracking number within 2-4 days, so just check your email after you paid your order successful
- QWhat is the problems when I can not check the status about my package after I get tracking number from you ?
- AAfter you get the tracking number , it need at least 2-3 days to be updated. So just check the status few days later, if still doesn’t work, you can confirm back with us.
- QWhich payment method you can accept ?
- AWe accept visa credit card, master credit card, western union, money gram and telegraphic Transfer(bank wire)